To get started with pandapipes, just

  1. Install pandapipes through pip:

     pip install pandapipes
  2. Create a simple network

     import pandapipes as pp
     net = pp.create_empty_network(fluid="lgas") 
     j1 = pp.create_junction(net, pn_bar=1.05, tfluid_k=293.15, name="Junction 1")
     j2 = pp.create_junction(net, pn_bar=1.05, tfluid_k=293.15, name="Junction 2")    
     j3 = pp.create_junction(net, pn_bar=1.05, tfluid_k=293.15, name="Junction 3") 
     ext_grid = pp.create_ext_grid(net, junction=j1, p_bar=1.1, t_k=293.15, name="Grid Connection")
     sink = pp.create_sink(net, junction=j3, mdot_kg_per_s=0.045, name="Sink")
     pipe = pp.create_pipe_from_parameters(net, from_junction=j1, to_junction=j2, length_km=0.1, diameter_m=0.05, name="Pipe 1")
     valve = pp.create_valve(net, from_junction=j2, to_junction=j3, diameter_m=0.05, opened=True, name="Valve 1")
  3. Run a pipe flow:

  4. And check the results:


But of course pandapipes can do much more than that - find out what on this page!

Fluid Modeling

Includes thoroughly validated models for pipes, pumps, valves and more.

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Fluid System Analysis

Supports stationary and quasi-stationary analysis of gas and district heating networks.

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Free and Open

Published under a BSD License and therefore free to use, modify and share however you want.

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